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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №3 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Application of the energy technology approach to the interpretation of the nature of the magnetic wave and light
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604128-202103-06
UDC: 621.37, 537.533.9

L.V. Lysenko1, A.P. Korzhavyi2, A.V. Romanov3, V.K. Shatalov4, A.V. Chelenko5

1,2,4,5 Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU (Kaluga, Russia),

3 JSC SCB «MEC» (Kaluga, Russia)

kf_mgtu_fiz@mail.ru, fn2kf@list.ru, kf_mgtu_fiz@mail.ru, vkshatalov@yandex.ru, apererva@yandex.ru


The theoretical dependences arising from the dimensionless Lysenko complex for studying the transport of momentum, which determine the force interaction of photons, are considered. When deriving the force interaction equation, a model is adopted which takes into account that the product of the magnetic and electric charge is equal to the angular momentum, and the product of the magnetic and electric constant gives the value inverse to the square of the speed of light. The equation of the magnetic wave is obtained. From the dimensionless complex of energy-technological processes, the transport equation for the substance of the pulse, which determines the force interaction of photons, is obtained It is shown that such force interaction allows us to give a new interpretation of the nature of light and the energy mc2: the energy of one photon (mfc2)/2, and the energy of two photons mfc2. It is confirmed that the three forms of substance, energy and impulse (angular momentum) give the physical diversity of the material world.

Pages: 48-53
For citation

Lysenko L.V., Korzhavyi A.P., Romanov A.V., Shatalov V.K., Chelenko A.V. Application of the energy technology approach to the interpretation of the nature of the magnetic wave and light. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2021. V. 26. № 3. P. 48−53. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604128-202103-06 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 28.04.2021 г.
Approved after review: 26.05.2021 г.
Accepted for publication: 18.06.2021 г.