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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №6 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Practical application of the inverse filtering algorithm in radar signal processing
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604128-202006-05
UDC: 621.396.96

Mikhail T. Baldytchev – Ph.D (Eng.)
Pavel E. Petukhov – Engineer
Yuliya M. Avdonina – Head of Projects
Кseniya I. Chebotar – Student


The range resolution is one of the main technical characteristics of radar stations, which determines the information content of the received radar image and the probability of correct detection of the desired object. Improvement of the considered characteristic in the standard way is carried out by expanding the spectrum of the probing signal and, as a result, entails an increase in the requirements for the radar hardware. An alternative way to increase the resolution is to use an inverse filtering algorithm. Inverse filtering is not widely used in radar; it is more common in image recovery tasks. The reason for the lack of known applications of inverse filtering to increase the radar resolution is the low resistance of the algorithm to noise. In, it is shown that the inverse filtering algorithm works correctly for signal-to-noise ratios from 18 dB and higher. Previously, when implementing inverse filtering, the regularization coefficient was used. In General, the regularization parameter should be frequency-dependent. The optimal regularization parameter according to the minimum standard error criterion for estimating the target's impulse response is equal to the ratio of the noise energy spectrum to the probing signal. This means that the calculation requires a priori information about the energy spectrum of the noise, which is stochastic in nature. As part of the study, a modified algorithm was developed that allows expanding the boundaries of inverse filtering to the low values of the input signal-to-noise ratio by normalizing the complex spectra of the input signal to its own module. Evaluation of the results of the full-scale experiment and the conducted research, in General, showed that the proposed modified inverse filtering algorithm provides high range resolution and allows you to expand the application of inverse filtering to the area of low values of the input signal-to-noise ratio.

Pages: 38-44
For citation

Baldytchev M.T., Petukhov P.E., Avdonina Yu.M., Chebotar К.I. Practical application of the inverse filtering algorithm in radar signal processing. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2020. V. 25. № 6. P. 38−44. DOI: 10.18127/j15604128-202006-05. (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 24.09.2020 г.