R.K. Babichev – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Professor,
Radiophysics Department, Physics Faculty, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don) E-mail: 405092@mail.ru
G.P. Sinyavsky – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Professor,
Department of Applied Electrodynamics and Computer Modeling, Physics Faculty, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don) E-mail: sinyavsky@sfedu.ru
V.V. Takhtamyshyan – Post-graduate Student,
Radiophysics Department, Physics Faculty, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don) E-mail: takhtamyshyan@mail.ru
In the current paper magnetostatic waves excitation by short-circuited coaxial exciter is investigated. Magnetostatic modes identification is performed by microwave simulation and magnetic field distributions visualization. Identification results and magnetic field distributions for magnetostatic wave modes for various orientation of external magnetic fields and various distance between ferrite film and coaxial exciter are presented.
Usually magnetostatic waves in the microwave devices are excited by different types of transmission lines: microstrip, coplanar, etc. To measure ferrite films characteristics by ferromagnetic resonance when exciting magnetostatic waves in rectangular film samples, different types of coaxial probes are used. Recently in [1] the structure of coaxial probe was presented, potentially it can be used for spin-wave modes excitation when designing magnetostatic wave devices.
In present paper we simulate the distributions of high-frequency magnetic field for magnetostatic waves. They are excited by presented in [1] short circuited exciter in rectangular yttrium iron garnet (YIG) film. Also modes identification is performed by method presented in [2−3]. Therefore, we investigated by electrodynamic method [2−3] magnetostatic modes excitation in YIG by short circuited exciter from [1]. The calculation results are in qualitative agreement with the experimental results.
For applied in-plane magnetic field (perpendicular to jumper between coaxial conductors) identification of excited modes was carried out and considered effect of distance between the ferrite film and exciter. For out of plane magnetic field (perpendicular to YIG film) modes identification was performed as well for distance to the exciter 0.2 mm. Results of the simulation and identification are in a good agreement with experimental ones from [1].
Babichev R.K., Sinyavskii G.P., Takhtamyshyan V.V. Study of magnetostatic modes excitation by short circuited coaxial exciter. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2020. V. 25. № 1–2. P. 43−47. DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202001-2-05 (in Russian).
- Kaur T., Venkata Bhyrava M.D., Olvera-Cervantes J., Corona-Chavez A. Ferromagnetic resonance measurement using a novel short circuited coaxial probe technique. Advanced Electromagnetics. October 2017. V. 6. № 1. P. 41−45.
- Takhtamyshyan V.V., Babichev R.K. Identification of backward volume and surface magnetostatic modes in a rectangular yttrium-irongarnet film by high frequency magnetic field distributions. Works of International Symposium on Spin Waves. 3−8 June 2018. SPb.:Ioffe Physical Technical Institute RAS. P. 150.
- Takhtamyshyan V.V., Babichev R.K. Identifikatsiya mod magnitostaticheskikh voln v pryamougolnoi plenke ZhIG. Sb. trudov XXIII Mezhdunar. konf. «Novoe v magnetizme i magnitnykh materialakh». 30 iyunya – 5 iyulya 2018. M.: MIREA – Rossiiskii tekhnologicheskii universitet. S. 270−272 (in Russian).