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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №6 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
The possibility of using the transistor model for analysis and optimization of processes of light absorption by «soft» condensed matter
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604128-201906-07
UDC: 538.958

S.I. Supelnyak – Post-graduate Student, 

Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU

E-mail: supelnyak@gmail.com

V.G. Kosushkin - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU

E-mail: kosushkin@gmail.com


The structure and functions of macromolecules are being actively studied. The functioning of each biological system is associated with many complex mechanisms, a significant proportion of which have not been fully studied. However, the problem of predicting the impact of external energy influences on the biological system becomes more relevant every year. And the possibility of using a model of a semiconductor device to describe the properties of a single protein, as well as an organic system, is undoubtedly of interest. To consider the possibility of using a transistor model for analysis and optimization of light absorption by a “soft” condensed substance using the CRY photoreceptor protein as an example. It was shown that the output signal (concentration of active forms of flavin FADH-) is modulated by a weak control action (pH and ATP), as well as compliance with other generic features of bipolar transistors. It was found that the dependence of photoreduction FAD* to FADH- on the amount of light energy and ATP concentration is accurately described by the logistic function. The generality of approaches of solid-state physics and soft condensed matter physics is shown. The proposed physical model allows us to expand the methods of experimental study of the properties of complex photosensitive organic systems.

Pages: 47-54
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Date of receipt: 6 августа 2019 г.