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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №5 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Methodology of research of conceptual basis of biophysics: from biomechanics to wave electromagnetic interactions and entropy
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604128-201905-07
UDC: 168.521; 577.35; 577.38

N.V. Zhuleva – Post-graduate Student, 

Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University;  Senior Lecturer, 

Center for Additional Education of Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: nina_rossia_mir@list.ru


The problems of methodological means of analysis of the conceptual basis of non-classical scientific disciplines in the case of formation of interdisciplinary research areas in the presence of disciplinary developed related fundamental sciences are not sufficiently developed.

Discovery own conceptual bases of the Biophysics as a branch of science, as well as clarification the methodological means of analysis of the conceptual basis on the base of the analysis of the history of Biophysics from biomechanics to electromagnetic levels of organization of biophysical systems.

For the analysis of the formation of the branch of science in the methodological basis of the analysis of theoretical practices introduced distinctions: the basic and the model levels of functioning of the theoretical objects (concepts), as well as philosophical, mathematical and substantive levels of interpretation of the relevant concepts. The specificity of the conceptual basis of Biophysics is formed by the functioning of the concepts «entropy» and «self-organization» as basic idealized objects. Their relationship with wave electromagnetic interactions is analyzed. Biophysics as a branch of science is formed during the formation of biophysical concepts with their own subject biophysical meaning.

The proposed methodological scheme allows a more detailed study of the theorization of emerging areas of research and can be used to analyze other emerging and/or interdisciplinary areas.

Pages: 53-76
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Date of receipt: 22 августа 2019 г.