R.O. But – Engineer,
JSC «Typhoon» (Kaluga)
E-mail: madara_40_rus@mail.ru
N.V. Samburov – Head of Laboratory «Antenna Measurements and UHF Technics»,
JSC «Typhoon» (Kaluga)
E-mail: samburov.n.v@yandex.ru
The object of the study is considered the most successful from a constructive point of view option, in which the layers of the polarizer consist of parallel metal conductors of the same radius, arranged equidistantly. The layers are inclined relative to each other at a certain angle and separated by dielectric inserts. The choice of material for dielectric inserts is usually carried out taking into account the specific operating conditions and consists in choosing a material with the optimum ratio of radio-technical and mechanical characteristics for given conditions. Moreover, there is no absolutely universal material and it is necessary to take into account its electrical parameters when calculating the polarizer. The considered polarizer is a complex electrodynamic structure; therefore, in the process of synthesizing its design, methods of both mathematical and computer modeling and a number of empirical data (studies) are used. In the process of carrying out the synthesis of the polarizer can be divided into 2 stages: synthesis of common parameters of the layers of the polarizer, select the number of layers ( N ) and the step between them ( ln ).
- Synthesis of the general parameters of the polarizer layers. Common parameters for each layer of the polarizer consisting of wire structures are the center distance ( d ) and the radius of the conductors ( r0 ).
When constructing broadband antennas, it is necessary to ensure the existence in the array of parallel plates of the main type of wave, without the occurrence of higher types of waves. The main wave in this case will be a TEM type wave, therefore, according to
the boundary condition of its existence in the array of parallel plates (the vector E is perpendicular to the plates): d < dTEM , where dTEM = λд 2 , λд is the wavelength in the dielectric ( λд = λ ε ). This condition is limiting only from a mathematical point of view - when the value d approaches dТЕМ in the gap between the conductors, side-wave types occur, leading to inhomogeneity of the field, and hence the transmission coefficient and polarization stability of the electromagnetic wave. The values of σ and α have opposite dependencies on d / λ. Thus, a conclusion about the value of d and its boundaries for a given value of ro can be made based on some fixed performance criterion. As a criterion for the boundaries of the working range, we take the value of the coefficient of transmission σk . For a similar condition imposed on the stability of the projection of the vector E , the expression ki Acos(i ) is valid, where A is some normalizing factor. For example, for a transmission coefficient σk = 0.8: d = λд 6...λд 3 . In a similar way, d values can be found for any criterial value σk .
- Select the number of layers and step. To substantiate the number of layers N and the step between them ln, we use the results of a number of studies of wire polarizers. Based on these data, it is possible to conditionally identify several areas of interaction of the electromagnetic wave in a multilayer polarizer: the areas of reflection, the area of transmission, and the area of difficult to predict resonances. To realize the maximum width of the EMW bandwidth, the value of ln should be l =n 2λ0 8 : where λ0 – the value λд for the center of the working range of the polarizer, n 1...(N 1) . Thus, the above proposed method for calculating the design of a broadband multilayer wire polarizer, taking into account the electrical and mechanical characteristics of dielectric materials.
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