V.I. Volovach – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department «Information and Electronic Service», Volga Region State University of Service (Togliatti)
E-mail: volovach.vi@mail.ru
V.M. Artyushenko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Information Technology and Management Systems», Technological University (Korolyov, Moscow region) E-mail: artuschenko@mail.ru
The analysis of the implementation of the short-range radio link (SRRL) of the microwave range with the use of point sensors (PS) and the detection algorithm of occurrence of the link name of the sensors and the noise immunity of the radio system short-range when fading of the received signal for the practically important models of reflections.
A block diagram of the SRRL is given for the exchange of duplex discrete information using the amplitude modulation of the microwave signals PS (mobile and stationary modules); the work of the scheme is described. The concept of the radio visibility zone correlated with the operating conditions of the SRRL, including the movement of the mobile module. The characteristic dependences of the radio visibility zone on the distance between the receiving and transmitting antennas, as well as the family of dependences of the information exchange time on the vehicle speed are presented. It is shown that the volume of information transmission and transmission time are limited in this type of radio lines. Increase either by increasing the transmission rate or using the increase the zone of radio visibility. An algorithm for detecting the entry into the PS link is described, for which the probabilities of correct detection and false detection are determined.
It is shown that the noise immunity of the SRRL can be characterized by the probability of error in the transmission of the signal element and is determined by both the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the real conditions of electromagnetic wave propagation on the radio line section. It is also shown that the signal fading caused by the interference of the direct and reflected fields in the receiving aperture has a determining effect on the noise immunity of the SRRL. An important expression of the modulus of the attenuation factor is derived for practical applications. The error probability for the case of uniform distribution of the signal phase is obtained. Two practically important reflection models are considered: with a stable «brilliant» point and with a large number of equivalent reflection points; for each of which the expression of the desired error probability is obtained. A family of dependences of the error probability on the value of the SNR and the signal reflections from the underlying surface is obtained.
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