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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №1 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
The influence of the dynamics of the development of aerosol formation on its parameters and characteristics
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604128-201901-03
UDC: 621.391.16

V.I. Lyutin – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist, 
Radio-Electronic Struggle RTC of MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)
S.V. Utemov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, 
Radio-Electronic Struggle RTC of MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


Regularities are revealed and interrelations are established between the main parameters and characteristics of aerosol formation, taking into account the dynamics of its development in the surface layer of the atmosphere.
Patterns of distribution in the atmosphere of aerosols are determined by many factors, such as the direction and speed of the wind, the intensity of thermal flows, the interaction of air masses with the underlying surface. Currently, there is no single model describing the distribution of impurities in the atmosphere, the dynamics of the development of aerosol formation is not taken into account and the relationship between its main parameters and characteristics (time of formation and existence, spectral transmittance and diameter) is not established.
The article examines the influence of the time of development of aerosol formation on its size and transmittance. The dependences of the lifetime of an aerosol formation with given spectral transmittance and a diameter of the mass of the aerosol-forming composition are obtained.

Pages: 20-23
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Date of receipt: 18 ноября 2018 г.