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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №8 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
Reconstruction of spectral images based on the analysis of spectral intensities
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604128-201808-08
UDC: 621.396

M.Kh. Aksyaitov – Head of RPC, JSC «Concern «Granit-Electron» (Saint Petersburg)

A.N. Rybakov – Leading Engineer, All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics (Moscow)

E.V. Egorova – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Telecommunication Systems, RTU MIREA (Moscow) E-mail: calipso575@gmail.com


The reconstruction of spectral images based on the analysis of the full spectra stored in the form of a three-dimensional data array

XYλ; the magnitude of the spectral intensity of the image; the image energy was detected using the Parseval theorem; The spectral data array XYλ is considered as a set of two-dimensional images.

Pages: 59-63
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Date of receipt: 12 октября 2018 г.