V.N. Mitrokhin – State Prize of Russia Laureate, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Department «Radio Electronic Systems and Devices», Bauman Moscow State Technical University
A.A. Propastin – Electronic Engineer, JSC «SPE «Salut» (Moscow); Post-graduate Student, Department «Radio
Electronic Systems and Devices», Bauman Moscow State Technical University
E-mail: aaprop2512@mail.ru
Yu.S. Rusov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Radio Electronic Systems and Devices», Bauman
Moscow State Technical University; Head of Sector, SRI of Radioelectronic Technics of Bauman Moscow State
Technical University
E-mail: rusov.yu.s@gmail.com
In this paper an investigation of the influence of the height of an infinitely conducting fence on the coupling coefficient between two parallel-plate waveguides in which a TEM wave of vertical polarization propagates is proposed. The analysis showed that the use of an infinitely conductive fence to reduce the mutual coupling between two parallel-plate waveguides is most significant if the height of the fence is not less than 0.7λ. Since the behavior of the coupling coefficient between waveguides has a resonance character, in some cases, at a low height of the fence, the weakening of the mutual coupling may not exist. The asymptotic behavior of the curves of the coupling coefficient depends on the distance between the waveguides and their dimensions, but with a further increase in the height of the fence, the transfer coefficient decreases.
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