350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №5 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
The nanocrystal phases in a palladium-barium cathodes of the microwave devices
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604128-201805-03
UDC: 537.533

V.I. Kapustin – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Professor, Leading Specialist, Technical Center «Basic Technologies of EVD», JSC «Pluton» (Moscow); Professor, Department of Nanoelectronics, RTU MIREA (Moscow) E-mail: kapustin@mirea.ru

I.P. Li – Ph.D.(Eng.), Director, Technical Center «Basic Technologies of EVD», JSC «Pluton» (Moscow) E-mail: i.li@pluton.msk.ru

A.V. Shumanov –  Deputy Director, Technical Center «Basic Technologies of EVD», JSC «Pluton» (Moscow) E-mail: alexeyshumanov@yandex.ru

S.O. Moskalenko – Bachelor, Process Engineer of the 1st category, Technical Center «Basic Technologies of EVD», JSC «Pluton» (Moscow)

E-mail: s.o.mockalenko@gmail.com


By using of high resolution X-ray diffraction method, the dimensions and crystallographic orientation of Pd and Pd5Ba nanocrystal phases in the Pd-Ba cathodes was investigated. By using of the electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis the chemical states of Ba and Pd in the Pd-Ba cathodes was investigated and the phases and micro impurities content of materials was determined.

Pages: 14-21
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Date of receipt: 31 мая 2018 г.