B.I. Yakubovich – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named by B.P. Konstantinov of NRC «Kurchatov Institute»
E-mail: yakubovich_bi@pnpi.nrcki.ru
Electric low-frequency noise in semiconductors caused by capture and emission of charge carriers by traps formed by structural defects is considered. Influence on noise of heat liberation due to the flow of electric current in a semiconductor is studied. The expression connecting intensity of noise with the temperature increase of semiconductor caused by the current flow is calculated. Dependences of noise intensity on current value, semiconductor properties, semiconductor heat exchange with environment are established. The possibility of reducing normalized noise in semiconductors caused by traps which is connected to heat liberation during the current flow is established.
The conditions under which noise is reduced are determined. Possibility of noise reduction can be used in the applied purposes.
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