V.E. Drach – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Design and manufacturing of electronic equipment», Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU
E-mail: drach@bmstu-kaluga.ru
A.I. Luganskaya – Undergraduate, Department «Design and manufacturing of electronic equipment», Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU
E-mail: Luganskaya.a.i@yandex.ru
The article is devoted to actual problem – the research of the characteristics of the antenna by changing the position of barrier in front of its radiation. In the real world, at least one barrier is always located in front of the antenna, which affects its characteristics. The article presents the characteristics of the antenna at 10 GHz frequency for different materials of different barriers and their location in front of radiation of the antenna, compares the changes in antenna characteristics when the thickness of the barrier and its position is changed.
- Akishin Yegor, Krasnitsky Yury A. Theoretical and experimental research of a horn antenna near field // Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication. 2011. S. 350−355.
- Sirkeli A.I., Drach V.E. Raschet xarakteristik rupornoj antenny' SVCh-diapazona // Naukoemkie texnologii v priboro- i mashinostroenii i razvitie innovaczionnoj deyatel'nosti v vuze. Kaluga: Izdatel'stvo MGTU im. N.E'. Baumana. 2017. T. 1. S. 123−126.
- Morozov E.V., Lopatin A.V., Taygin V.B. Design, analysis, manufacture and testing of composite corrugated horn for the spacecraft antenna system // Composite structures. 2016. S. 505−512.
- Bayat-Makou N., Kishk A.A Substrate integrated horn antenna with uniform aperture distribution // IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation. 2017. № 2. S. 514−520.
- Mcauley I., Murphy J.A., McCarthy D., Gradziel M., Mahon R., O'Sullivan C., Trappe N. Determination of the phase centers of millimeter-wave horn antennas using a holographic interference technique // Journal of infrared, millimeter, and terahertz waves. 2016. № 4. S. 340−355.
- Sirkeli A.I., Drach V.E. Obzor SAPR modelirovaniya SVCh-ustrojstv // Interaktivnaya nauka. 2017. № 11. S. 139−141.