V.M. Ageev – Leading Engineer, OJC «RPC «PSI» (Moscow)
A.N. Pleshanov – Head of Sector, OJC «RPC «PSI» (Moscow)
E-mail: vamt_tol@yandex.ru
V.T. Polyakov – Corresponding Member of RANS, Ph.D.(Eng.), Professor, Russian New University (Moscow) K.E. Tyupikov – Engineer, OJC «RPC «PSI» (Moscow)
E-mail: kir-999@yandex.com
A.L. Chudnovsky – Junior Research Scientist, OJC «RPC «PSI» (Moscow)
E-mail: sasha21v6@gmail.com
L.S. Chudnovsky – Academic of RANS, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Main Research Scientist, OJC «RPC «PSI» (Moscow) E-mail: lsc2004@mail.ru
A variant of on-board equipment recording lightning discharges in the optical range and in the radio range is considered. The equipment is designed for global monitoring of single lightning discharges. A distinctive feature is the ability to restore optical radiation at the input of a broadband radiometer, and also to measure the ionosphere's constant dispersion by the group delay of arrival times in a radio spectrometer.
- Proctor D.E. VHF Radio Pictures of Cloud Flashes // J. Geophys.Res. 1981. V. 86. № C5. P. 4041−4071.
- Bondarenko A., Dokuchaev I., Kotczov V. Czifrovaya kamera missii «ChIBIS-M» // Sovremennaya e'lektronika. 2010. № 6. S. 36−38.
- Chudnovskij V.S., Chudnovskij L.S., Ageev V.M., Busy'gin V.P., Vagin Yu.P., Groznov I.V., Groznov A.V., Karxov A.N., Kolodochkin E.S., Mozgov K.S., Panov S.A., Puzanov Yu.V., Stal' N.L. Registracziya izluchenij molnievy'x razryadov v raznostno-dal'nomerny'x sistemax kosmicheskogo monitoringa // E'lektromagnitny'e volny' i e'lektronny'e sistemy'. 2011. T. 16. № 3. S. 51−57.
- Chudnovskiy L. Trace Distortion Correction // AIS-2014 «ATMOSPHERE, IONOSPHERE, SAFETY. Kaliningrad. 2014. P. 203−210. ISBN 978-5-9971-0313-2.
- Groznov A., Panov S., Chydnovsky A. Correction of the Ionosphere Delay in Radio Spectrometer // AIS-2010 «ATMOSPHERE, IONOSPHERE, SAFETY». 21−27 July 2010. Kaliningrad. P. 194−195. ISBN 978-5-9971-0071-1.
- Chudnovskiy L., Golubcov M., Frolov V., Kuzin S., Vagin Y. The Fluctuation Amplitude Variation of Navigation Signals of SLONASS Space Satellites // AIS-2014 «ATMOSPHERE, IONOSPHERE, SAFETY». Kaliningrad. 2014. ISBN 978-5-9971-0313-2. P. 210−215.
- Chudnovskij L.S., Ageev V.M. Metod opredeleniya vremeni prixoda apriorno neizvestny'x impul'sny'x signalov s maloj bazoj // Vestnik RAEN. 2011. № 1. S. 38−40.