N.A. Dyuzhikova – Dr.Sc.(Biol.), Head of Laboratory of Genetics of Higher Nervous Activity, Institute of Physiology named after I.P. Pavlov RAS (Saint Petersburg)
E-mail: dyuzhikova@mail.ru
A.V. Kopyltsov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (LETI) E-mail: kopyl2001@mail.ru
K.A. Korshunov – Part-programming Engineer, Human Genome Research Foundation «Aires» (Saint Petersburg) E-mail: devpro@aires.spb.ru
G.N. Lukyanov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, ITMO University (Saint Petersburg)
E-mail: gnluk@rambler.ru
V.A. Puchkova – Junior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Genetics of Higher Nervous Activity,
Institute of Physiology named after I.P. Pavlov RAS (Saint Petersburg)
E-mail: vera_puchkova94@mail.ru
I.N. Serov – President, Human Genome Research Foundation «Aires» (Saint Petersburg) E-mail: director@aires.spb.ru
The influence of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) of Wi-Fi router and resonators Aires Defender (RA) on the frequency of chromosomal aberrations (FCA) in the bone marrow cells of Wistar rats was investigated. An increase in the FCA was observed under the influence of EMR and the operating mode of the router with the greatest damaging effect was revealed. RA reduced the damaging effect of the EMR on the bone marrow cells. The mathematical model of the transformation of EMP with the help of resonators Aires Defender is presented. The mechanisms of the action of EMR on somatic cells and the mechanisms of protection are discussed.
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