A.V. Nazarov – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) E-mail: rat-rut@yandex.ru
A.Z. Khodorovsky – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) E-mail: ahazz@mail.ru
The article presents a comparative analysis of methods of building a ADC with a system of coarse–to-fine reference on the basis of ADC time - pulse type (ADC CTF). It was done systematization of the converters of this type, based on the methods of balancing and methods of harmonization of the scales used at each stage of converting. It is shown that the best prospects from the point of view of practical applications have methods based on alternating forward and reverse converting. There is shown possibility of building on the basis of such converters programmable ADC-CTF, which capable to change the structure and parameters of the converting at wide range. It is shown that to build ADC CTF as efficiently as possible using the ADC with forward and reverse triming of quantization errors on nearby levels.
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