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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №1 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Space-based detection of the coherent microwave radiation from the high-power atmospheric sources
K.S. Mozgov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Department, OJC «RPC«PSI» (Moscow) E-mail: mks150360@mail.ru V.F. Fedorov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow) E-mail: fvf48@yandex.ru
The questions related to selection of the optimal spectral range for the space-based detection of high-power electromagnetic radiation from the atmospheric sources including lightning discharges at the return stroke initial stages, high-power explosions, accompanied by the asymmetric gamma-ray quantum ejection and gamma-ray quantum double sources are considered. In case of spectral range selection for spacecraft onboard detection the following main factors have been considered: propagation losses in the Earth atmosphere; attenuation and transformation during ionosphere propagation; the level and spectral distribution of the natural noises and the artificial interference. It is presented that in the 1−10 GHz frequency band (30−3 cm wavelength band) the microwave radiation absorption and the external interference appeared to be the minimal, so it is reasonable to select the operational frequency of the radiometric complex for space-based microwave signal detection from the mentioned electromagnetic radiation waveband. For the point gamma-ray quantum pulse source with the low asymmetry of ejection, placed on the Earth surface, onboard antenna tem-perature estimation has been carried out for the spacecraft at 20000 km altitude. In case of λ = 30 cm radiation wavelength and Seff = 1 m2 receiving antenna effective area we get Ta ≈ 4.2-105 K antenna temperature estimation, greatly exceeding effective thermal radio-frequency radiation noise temperature of the Earth surface and the atmosphere.
Pages: 4-9


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