350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №5 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The improved theory of Doppler frequency shift generation in electromagnetic oscillations
A.S. Gostyunin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of JSC «Lutch»; Associate Professor, Lecturer, Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University of P.A. Solovyov
The article is devoted to the study of the signal Doppler frequency shift generation at movement of the emitter and the receiver, also reflecting waves of the object. The critical analysis of the applied theory of Doppler frequency shift (DFS) generation in electromagnetic oscillations (Doppler theory) is performed. It was determined that the existing Doppler theory does not provide correct explanation of DFS generation in the electromagnetic (EM) oscillations. On the basis of the suggested approach (principle) of «signal-wave» conversion the physics of DFS generation of the emitted and receiving EM oscillations is examined. Theoretically taken into account the physical process of DFS generation the mathematical description (model) of signals in which explicitly specified the existence of DFS and its dependence from the object range rate is determined. The independence of the Doppler frequency shift from the changing distance between the emitter and the receiver (or signal reflecting object) is proved. The important conclusions, concerning another approach to Doppler frequency shift generation in electromagnetic oscillations are made.
Pages: 29-36


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