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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Substantiation a system of an controlling parameters for a management of an adaptive systems of an electricity of a field communications nodes
I.I. Snytkin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Academic, Branch of MAC (Krasnodar). E-mail: timursnytkin@gmail.com Yu.D. Mishin - Ph. D. (Philol.), «Electroavtomatica» Ltd. (Stavropol). E-mail: el-avt@mail.stv.ru T.I. Snytkin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, 27 CRI of DoD RF (Moscow). E-mail: djammell@mail.ru
Experience of doctrines of last years showing that the exist structure of management of means of power supplies on the scale of all communication center are not capable to carry out effectively the problems put before it. Essentially new structure of the management based on principles of centralized management with automation of processes of gathering, processing and information transfer are ne-cessary about it condition. Taking into account offer essentially new of an electrical supply systems (ESS), automated with adaptation on power consumption, such control system are necessary, as without it functioning of similar systems simply are not possible. Thus, it becomes fundamentally important to analyze the state of the control of ESS of field communication nodes (FCN) and to de-termine the management tasks as well as to justify Principals of establishment of centralized control of ESS FCN and determine the direction of its development. The analysis allowed to determine of number of basic parameters characterizing the state of the power system parameters requiring mandatory controls, which will determine the amount and form of representation of the minimum necessary information to operators of lower levels of control system ESS control station operator of ESS.
Pages: 49-61


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