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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Generalized analysis of multilayer transmission lines
A.R. Vilenskiy - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Radio Electronic Systems and Devices», Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: temaforyou@yandex.ru
A generalized analysis of transmission lines based on flat-layered magnetodielectric structures with arbitrary strip conductors configu-ration is presented. The method exploits the integral equation formulation, which is reduced to an algebraic system by spectral domain Galerkin-s method. The following aspects are considered extensively: basis functions selection, multilayer structure Green-s function computation, dispersion equation solution on a complex plane, electromagnetic field notation in the spectral domain, transmission line strips - characteristic impedance calculation. The main relations required for direct method algorithmization are given. Results of benchmark multilayer structures analysis are presented, with method-s accuracy being discussed. A printed double strip line and two configurations of asymmetric coupled strip lines are investigated as examples. It is shown that the operating frequency range of radio devices based on coupled lines can be enhanced by preliminary rational layered structure formation.
Pages: 3-12
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