350 rub

Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №10 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The study of fracture surface of Al - 1.65 % Cu alloy
A.A. Blatov - Post-graduate Student, NUST «MISIS»
E-mail: al-blatov@yandex.ru
Many of the properties of polycrystalline materials are determined by the presence of dissolved substances in the grain boundaries, which share in the border as a result of segregation can be several orders of magnitude higher than their concentration in the grain, causing various forms of embrittlement. The work was performed on samples obtained from the Al alloy castings - 1.56% Cu, subject to homogenizing annealing. After fabrication, samples of length 20 mm , width 2 mm, and height 1 mm maintained in gallium-containing aqueous solutions. Studies of grain boundaries samples was performed using Auger spectrometer, we studied the surface before and after the ion etching. Results of the experiments showed no change in concentration of copper on the surface of the brittle fracture of the sample alloy Al - 1.56% Cu, and the formation of a specific pattern on the surface of the grain boundaries.
Pages: 13-16
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