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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №10 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Influence of dislocations on parametrical properties of semiconductor instruments
I.R. Berezhanskiy - Student, Kaluga branch, Bauman MSTU
E-mail: berezhanskiy.ivan@mail.ru
S.A. Adarchin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department, Kaluga branch, Bauman MSTU
E-mail: adarchin@rambler.ru
V.G. Kosushkin - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, Kaluga branch, Bauman MSTU
E-mail: kosushkin@gmail.com
The article is dedicated to the problem of modern electronic reliability. The most priority task today is the reliability improvement of semiconductor elements by optimization of their constructional and technical characteristics.
It has been set that one of the basic reasons of deterioration in characteristics of semiconductor instruments are the defects of their crystalline structure. The main factor influencing the reliability of micro electromechanical structures is the semiconductor defects arising at different stages of the instrument life cycle.
Automobile sensors are the research object of this work. The research object used the theoretical methods of determination of internal mechanical stresses in crystals and the related changes of their electrophysical properties. The structures of semiconductor crystals with different levels of mechanical stresses have been investigated for the impact assessment of dislocations on semiconductor instruments. For carrying out the research, the samples with some level of mechanical stresses, which passed through all the stages of sensor production, have been chosen together with samples which don-t participate in assembly operations and which are free from any mechanical stresses. For the detection and determination of dislocations, the method of selective etching has been used.
As a result of the carried out experiments it has been revealed that one of the reasons of semiconductors parameters changes under the influence of mechanical stresses is the formation of dislocations in them. Thus the entered dislocations exert the considerable instruments impact on electrophysical properties and in consequences often leads to parametric instrument failures.
Pages: 4-8
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