350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The physics of electronic materials for vacuum microwave devices
thermionic emission properties
secondary electron emission
microwave devices
oxygen vacancies
V.I. Kapustin - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics. kapustin01@mail.ru
A.P. Korzhavyi - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU. E-mail: fn2kf@list.ru
We describe the analytical studies on the physics of electronic materials as the most important products of modern electronic compo-nents for vacuum microwave devices. Research carried out in relation to metal oxide cathodes by considering all the physical processes at all stages of the cathode materials to the analysis of all factors and parameters observed in all phases of operation of cathodes composed of powerful vacuum microwave devices.
We analyzed all the physical processes: the electron-emitting surface evaporation under different conditions in the work function, electron emission coefficient, the interfacial interaction and others. The practical result for the proposed metal oxide cathodes is the following.
Analysis of the results of model calculations with respect to the real cathode materials indicates that the mechanism of mass transfer through the pores of the cathode material, which is described in the proposed equations is more effective than the known mass transfer mechanism of diffusion through the bulk of the oxide phase. At the same time increasing the thickness of cathode material that provides an increase of oxide, «feeds» the surface of the cathode material, starting with a certain thickness, leads to a decrease in the values of the function proposed by us in the depth of the cathode material and reduce the total flow of oxygen vacancies in the surface. This is due to the temperature gradient and increase in a significant increase in activation parameter is volume of cathode material in comparison with a parameter activating its surface region. The highest values of KVEE oxide can be achieved at concentrations of oxygen vacancies, is not much greater than the value of this function.
Pages: 42-52
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