350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №7 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The automated metrological providing management system «Metrology»
N.E. Libman - Part-programming Engineer, JSC «Typhoon» (Kaluga). E-mail: isystem@typhoon-jsc.ru
This article is about automated information system - «Metrology», designed for automated metrological accounting of metrological providing technical means. System provides means for solving following tasks: accounting management, monitoring, unification, applied metrological providing technical means cost planning. This multiuser multifunction system ensures flexible integration into company information system. The system implements automated metrological account workflow management on enterprise- and chief-metrologist department-level. Developed automated system provides common information space for information source-consumer interaction and knowledge distribution. System application leads to metrological equipment accounting process acceleration, allows to simplify metrological operations cost planning, provides opportunity to reduce amount and duration of equipment downtimes, and increase technical safety level of manufacturing.
Pages: 33-37


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