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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Ballistic target radar discrimination according to different samples of radar velocity and range measurement
P.Z. Belonogov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, 3 CRI of MoD RF (Moscow). E-mail: belonogov 1945 @ mail. ru E.I. Shustov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, General Director RC «REZONANS» A.I. Stuchilin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Deputy General Director RC «REZONANS»
In this paper, an important issue of increase of probability of discrimination between two classes of flying vehicles - ballistic and aerodynamic targets (BT and AT) ? by rough calculation of elevation and azimuth, is solved. The novelty lies in employing for the first time estimates of the rate of change of a product of range and radial velocity as an identification trajectory attribute. Meanwhile elevation and azimuth measuring data is not used. According to revealed trajectory attribute peculiarities intrinsic only to ballistic targets a complex algorithm of BT identification at trajectory active and passive areas has been elaborated by measuring range and radial velocity minimum samples (2−4 measurements). One should bear in mind that the aforementioned method provides for significant increase in a probability of BT discrimination in the aviation flight altitude area, with minimum delay relative to missile start or its entry into the detection zone. It can be considered expedient to employ the proposed method in duty VHF radars. Ballistic target detection at a trajectory active section and at the beginning of a passive section, and radar measuring data provide for early warning about missile attacks and pinpointing of NSBM (non-strategic ballistic missile) launch areas. That makes it possible to enhance anti-aircraft missile systems efficiency and survivability by delivering to them target designation on NSBM launch areas and missile motion parameters at the trajectory rising section, and providing them with the time required to get ready for firing, and minimization of radar facilities emission time-period.
Pages: 66-76


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