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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Almost periodic functions in the methods of processing the results of measurements
V.I. Kuzmin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, MIREA (Moscow). E-mail: vik271935@yandex.ru A.F. Gadzaov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, MIREA (Moscow). E-mail: gadzaov_alex@mail.ru
In principle not any process contains system of relatives to periodic a component in this connection procedure of an exception of a trend doesn\'t guarantee possibility of finding of regular sequences of the repeating intervals yet. It results in need after an exception of a trend and receiving a row for deviations from it, to check this row for belonging to a class almost-periodic functions. Possibility of carrying out such checks is defined by a number of fundamental properties almost-periodic functions. Performance of such conditions guarantees pithiness of the values received as a result of calculation almost-periods. Thus, the consecutive analysis of an initial row consists of a number of stages: 1) algorithms of an exception of trends at which each stage an inspection of accessory received as a result of a row to a class almost-periodic functions is carried out, 2) checks of coherence of characteristics of algorithms of an exception of trends and the received values almost-periods, 3) smoothing on to almost-periods for definition of characteristics of «slow» movements, 4) the analysis of communications of characteristics on micro and macro levels and forecasting of dynamics of systems on initial stages of their development.
Pages: 56-61


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