350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №1 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Algorithms for modeling the imaging process of the sea surface in a holographic radar
A.V. Nikonenko - Head of the Research and Test Department, Chief Research and Testing Center of robotics. E-mail: nikon-74@mail.ru
One effective method for investigating the characteristics of holographic radar survey is planned simulation. Describes a method for modeling, which allows to visually assess the quality of the generated images in holographic radar algorithms and fulfill its function. The proposed algorithms are designed to study the potential characteristics without regard to factors such as, for example, unstable trajectory of the aircraft, the nonlinearity and the nonidentity of reception paths, etc. The entire tract formation and processing of the signal is represented as a linear system. A feature of this model is the possibility of moving the image forming surface, such as sea for wide field of view and large viewing time zone during which the motion picture on the surface varies considerably.
Pages: 11-15


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