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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №6 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
To the question about nonlinear properties of the yttrium ceramics
S.V. Chernykh - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Telecommunication Systems, Volgograd State University. E-mail: schtks@list.ru
Electrodynamics of granular superconductors at present poorly investigated, despite the very large number of experimental studies, and many of the proposed theoretical models. The main drawback of the existing theoretical models is that they are not adequately describe the experimental data pertaining to the dynamics of the magnetic flux in HTSC and harmonics magnetization. In the present paper attempts to fill the existing gap on interpretation of the nonlinear properties of granular superconductors, for example, the theoretical and experimental study of the second harmonic response of yttrium ceramic samples to an external harmonic magnetic field.
Experimental researches of the field dependence of the second harmonic response of superconducting ceramic samples of structure YBa2Cu3O7−x in the harmonic magnetic field. The model of a granular superconductor as a system of superconducting concentric rings with Josephson junctions is offered. On the basis of the model proposed a theoretical study of the second harmonic properties in order to explain the experimental results obtained previously. An attempt is made on the basis of the generated model theory to explain the experimental results discussed in the works of other authors.
Pages: 60-66
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