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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The production development of finish surface processing technology of SiC epi-ready wafers
semi-insulating silicon carbide (SiC) wafers
finish surface processing
chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP)
surface roughness
V. V. Popov - Ph.D. (Eng.), General Director, JSC «Svetlana», St.-Peterburg
Chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) is a wide-spread technology of wafer manufacturing for microwave devices and micro- and nano-electronic devices. The unique combination of chemical and mechanical interaction between the slurry, soft pad and the wafer surface leads to its efficient polishing with removal of the previous layer and without forming of the new damaged layer. CMP uses a synergistic effect of physical and chemical impacts that allows achieving an atomically smooth surface. The main problem in SiC wafer development is to obtain surface roughness Ra less than 1 nanometer due to extreme hardness and the chemical stability of this material. Besides, there are no references on CMP technology for this material.
The work on the development of CMP technology was performed at JSC "Svetlana-Electronpribor?, and the value of surface roughness less than 2Å has been achieved.The CMP technology developed has accomplished the set of operations on the basic process technology of 3-inch semi-insulating SiC wafers on the base of advanced bulk crystal growth equipment, slicing, lapping, polishing, CMP, and measuring tools of the obtained wafer-s parameters.
Pages: 24-26
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- http://www.speedfam.com/