350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Algorithm and program for calculation of an aerosol extinction coefficient profile in the atmosphere
I.V. Gryaznykh - Ph.D. (Eng.), Research-and-production corporation «System of precision instrument making» (JSC «NPK «SPP»). E-mail: martenovsk@mail.ru
P.I. Lysov - Post-graduate Student, Research-and-production corporation «System of precision instrument making» (JSC «NPK «SPP»). E-mail: Sindakollo@yandex.ru
A.N. Nikolaev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Research-and-production corporation «System of precision instrument making» (JSC «NPK «SPP»). E-mail: anik.igce@rambler.ru
P.I. Lysov - Post-graduate Student, Research-and-production corporation «System of precision instrument making» (JSC «NPK «SPP»). E-mail: Sindakollo@yandex.ru
A.N. Nikolaev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Research-and-production corporation «System of precision instrument making» (JSC «NPK «SPP»). E-mail: anik.igce@rambler.ru
In this work results of developing out of algorithm and the lidar signal processing program on calculation of an aerosol extinction coefficient profile are introduced. The gained effects of development are used in a Mobile complex of remote monitoring (MCRM), developed on joint stock company «Research-and-production corporation «System of precision instrument making» (JSC «NPK «SPP»). It is viewed the lidar equation for one-wave and monostatic lidar systems. The model of lidar signal is developed, allowing reproducing signals from aerosol formations practically any densities and the sizes. The algorithm of the program operation of lidar signal processing and calculation of atmospheric aerosol extinction coefficient profile is given. It was possible to refine considerably the SNR at processing of the lidar signal, to reduce errors of the estimate of an aerosol extinction calculation in researched formation. Effects of the program working with modeling signals and the data obtained with MCRM are given.
Pages: 4-11
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