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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Need and tool possibilities of specification of a spectrum of collateral oscillations of pulse magnetrons
S. V. Minz - Senior Research Scientist, Branch of FBI - The 46th Central Research Institute - of the Russian Defence Ministry
L. V. Panchenko - Senior Research Scientist, Branch of FBI - The 46th Central Research Institute - of the Russian Defence Ministry
А. S. Safronov - Head of Laboratory, Branch of FBI - The 46th Central Research Institute - of the Russian Defence Ministry. E-mail: as_safronov@mail.ru
N. I. Skripkin - Chief Constructor, JSC "Pluton"
Collateral radio emissions (collateral oscillations) may appear in the microwave electrovacuum devices (MED) used as a part of transmitters of electronic systems (TES) as generators and amplifiers. Classification of collateral oscillation (CO) of MED is installed in GOST 29178-91. Relative power level of CO is adopted as indicator of the level of CO, expressed in decibels relative to the power of basic oscillation (BO). It is considered that CO exist at the same time with BO and therefore the technique of measurement of the level of CO provides the possibility of comparison with BO both on power, and on spectral density. Researches of a range of oscillations of the coaxial pulse magnetron by means of the modern digital range analyzer enable us to observe spectrum of BO and range of CO. The range of CO is characterized by much larger width than the spectrum of BO. The observed phenomenon is interpreted in this way: while the voltage rises, moments of synchronism appear in turn, first for low-voltage oscillations, and then for the main (working) oscillations. As the situation with the passage of the low-voltage area can not be avoided, the role and significance of these oscillations for developers and users of devices will depend on the circumstances. Both special controlled quick clamping switches of microwave range and processing devices built into digital range analyzer, reproducing the gating oscillation over time can be used for detailed choice of range of various sites of microwave impulses. Digital range analyzer at the same time provides mode in zero span. There are three methods of time gating in the digital range analyzer [4]: - gated sweep (or gated oscillator); - gated video; - gated FFT. To investigate the front-line of CO with the digital range analyzer is preferably to use the gated sweep. Modern digital range analyzers open unattainable until recently possibilities of studying the structure of the range of emission of microwave devices at levels lower than - 50 dB. The use of digital range analyzers would greatly simplify the circuits of measurements of microwave devices, reduce the time of measurement and documentation of the results. The level of CO at the front is not directly related to the level of CO on top of the high-frequency impulse, as it reflects the indepen¬dent mechanism of their formation, where a significant place occupy the time of electronic rise (for nonincandescent magnetrons), the degree of separation of BO and CO by synchronization of the voltage, the level of quality factor of the electrodynamic system for BO and load characteristics of the amplitude modulator.
Pages: 40-46

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