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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The computer modeling of band-pass filters on waveguides of complex cross-section realized by SIW-technology
V.V. Zemlyakov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Southern Federal University. E-mail: vvzem@yandex.ru G.F. Zargano - D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Southern Federal University. E-mail: zargano@yandex.ru A.A. Gadzieva - Post-graduate Student, Southern Federal University. E-mail: 89185984834@rambler.ru S.V. Krutiev - Student, Southern Federal University. E-mail: sergey-kryt@yandex.ru
The possibilities of realization of waveguides elements in the structure of multilayered integrated chips in centimeter and millimeter waves is carried out. The modern technologies of design and production of integrated chips give the possibilities of integration in the structure of three-dimensional elements, in particular the cavity resonators on rectangular waveguides. Such technology received the name SIW-technology (Substrate Integrated Waveguide). Thus, it is possible to unite advantages of rectangular waveguides, such as high good quality, small losses, big power transferred, with advantages of microelectronic components - compactness, low cost, high flexibility of production. The idea of realization of a rectangular waveguide in the multilayered integrated chip performed, for example, on the LTCC technologies, by means of two horizontal conducting layers bounded by two lines of vertical metal rods, was offered at the beginning of the 2000th years and since then rather actively develops. For today there is a number of the techniques, allowing to calculate such structures, the part of them uses principles of calculations of classical rectangular waveguides with certain assumptions, the part uses more bulky algorithms considering, partially or completely, real properties of geometry. Application of rectangular waveguides, allowed building in integrated chips such devices, as the filters, directional couplers, multiplexers and even horn and slot antennas. It is known that the appearance in the seventies the last century in an arsenal of the microwave electronics element base of waveguides of complex cross-section, in particular, single- and double-ridge waveguides, led to a huge increase of technical characteristics level of many devices. There was a possibility essentially to expand an operating frequency range of waveguide nodes, to reduce the impedance and mass characteristics. The implementation of waveguides of complex cross-section allowed building the devices based on new physical principles, in particular, frequency selective devices. In the current article it is noted that realization of waveguides of complex cross-section and nodes on their basis in integrated chips by means of SIW-technology is capable to replace with the same success rectangular waveguides and to produce the devices on new, modern, hi-tech level. As an example the possibility of band-pass filters realization on single and double-ridge waveguides by SIW-technology is described.
Pages: 36-41

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