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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
On the determination of traveling ionospheric disturbances parameters using superdarn radar data
ground backscatter
radio signal characteristics simulation
ionosphere diagnostics
traveling ionospheric disturbances
total electron content maps
A.V. Oinats, V.I. Kurkin, N. Nishitani, A. Saito
Simulation results of the traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) effects on the SuperDARN ground backscatter signal characteristics are presented. It is shown that one of the most sensitive characteristics is the time dependence of the minimum group range of the ground backscatter signal. The technique for determination of TIDs azimuth and horizontal component of phase velocity based on an analysis of time dependences of the minimum group range measured by radar on different beams is presented.
The accuracy of TIDs parameters determination using presented technique with model data is estimated. Discrepancy in TIDs azimuth and phase velocity determination for case of spherically symmetric background ionosphere without diurnal variations of its parameters do not exceed 3о and 15 m/s respectively. The accuracy of TIDs parameters determination depends on the azimuth direction of propagation. Discrepancy in phase velocity determination increases for azimuths lying in the radar field-of-view and in the opposite sector. Discrepancy in azimuth determination increases within sectors sided with radar field-of-view bounds and within opposite sectors.
The technique is tested on the real data obtained by Hokkaido SuperDARN radar on September 13, 2008. Estimation of the parameters of the observed TID shows the disturbance with period ~1-1.5 hours propagated southwestward with azimuth equal to about 200o and phase velocity changing from 50 m/s at 2 UT to 250 m/s at 10 UT. Thus, the wavelength of the observed TID was approximately between 300 and 1800 km. Comparison of the calculated TID parameters with those obtained from total electron content maps according to a dense network of GPS receivers over Japan (GEONET) showed a good qualitative agreement between them.
Pages: 30-39
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