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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Tide processes in the geomagnetic field of the atmosphere boundary layer
L.V. Grunskaya, V.V. Isakevich, L.T. Sushkova, D.V. Rubai, I.A. Leshyov, D.V. Isakevich
Spectral analysis of time series of the geomagnetic field of the atmosphere boundary surface layer does not allow to distingwish influence of moon tides on the geomagnetic field of the atmosphere boundary surface layer, which led to necessity to investigate the structure of the signals in spectral and time ranges with the developed program-analytical system on the base of the latent vectors of the correlative matrix of time series. At the beginning of the investigations a structure of a correlative quadrature detector was used in the experimental recording geomagnetic field of the atmosphere boundary layer to get optimum estimation of spectral components corresponding to frequencies of the moon and solar tides. There have been got estimations of the amplitude and signal-to-noise ratios at the spectral components of the geomagnetic field of the atmosphere boundary surface layer at the frequencies of the thermogravitational solar and moon tides according to the results of the analysis of the experimental data. At the next stage of the investigation processing of the experimental data of the ferrosound magnetometer of VSU physical ground (component H) and the date of Japanese geomagnetic stations Kakioka (1913-2006) and Memambetsu (1950-1999) was done on the base of the received experience and the developed program-analytical method of eigen vectors with the aim to analyse the nature of the spectra of the geomagnetic field near frequencies of moon and solar tides, to estimate the amplitude and a signal-to-noise ratio at the frequencies of tide. Processing of the experimental information with the help of the method of eigen vectors allowed to receive a signal-to-noise ratio (the ratio of a maximum value of the amplitude spectrum at the chosen eigen vectors to its mean value) for the geomagnetic field component, at the frequencies of moon tides it is average (500-91).
Pages: 46-52

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