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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Technique of creation of multipoint model of aerodynamic target for definition of input signals of onboard radar sensors
V.B. Suchkov
Problems of mathematical and digital modeling of input signals of onboard radar sensors of the target are considered in the article. In systems of imitating modeling of onboard radar mathematical model of input signals providing carrying out computing experiment in real time is necessary. Therefore development of "fast" models of input signals of onboard radar in the form of multipoint models represents an actual problem as gives the chance to avoid the mathematical description of geometry of the target and respectively considerably to reduce calculation time at inevitable decrease in accuracy of calculations. In article the multipoint model which is represented in the form of a set of projective parallelepipeds is developed. Each parallelepiped limits a certain volume of a surface of the target. Each parallelepiped is defined as a local point which is formed as an average point of all triangular elements getting to limits of this parallelepiped. In other words, representation of the target as a set of parallelepipeds corresponds to its representation in the form of a set of local points. Each parallelepiped contains the array of triangular elements and sharp edges of polygonal model getting to volume of this parallelepiped. For each parallelepiped (local point) the surface diagram of RCS in spherical system of coordinates of a local reflector on the basis of polygonal model is calculated. In multipoint model for each local reflector an array of values of RCS is formed. Each of the RCS arrays keeps in text files which are basic data of multipoint model of the target. At calculation of power of an input signal of onboard radar on a trajectory of movement of the target array of values of RCS of the local reflectors are used. Results of calculations of input signals of onboard radar are given in article from multipoint models of the targets.
Pages: 45-53

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