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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Unified software shell for manage telescope observation and processing of the resulting images
оптические средства наблюдения околоземных космических объектов
автоматическое управление телескопом
A.P. Lukyanov, A.V. Maltsev
Automatic maintenance of the catalog of space objects is very important task. Every year the number of satellites and byproducts of launches like broken satellites, fragments of destruction increases. Existing optical systems successfully solve the problem of observation of geostationary satellites (Okno, ISON). At the department of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, based at JSC «Vimpel», a network of optical facilities of space objects surveillance at low, medium and highly elliptical orbits is created. The network is able to obtain angular measurements and photometry for small-sized fragments of space object as well. This paper describes a technology for creating a unified system for telescopes network management. An example of implementation the system in Kislovodsk is considered.
In this system several complexes of satellites observation are planned for creation. Every complex may have its own set of equipment and its local network configuration. Development of software for each complex individually is unpractical. On the other hand, we must take into account all the specific features of each complex. A modular architecture of the complex was developed to overcome these difficulties. It allows altering the configuration of a complex with minimum expenditure of time.
Pages: 41-44
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