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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Frequency algorithms of adaptive nonlinear filtration of image sequences
parametric models
Fourier series
posterior distributions
adaptive processing of information
variable background
detection and parameters estimation of objects
image improvement
V.N. Lagutkin
The article is dedicated to questions of expansion of proposed by Bol-shakov I.A. and Repin V.G. method of quasi-linear filtration, based on gauss approximation of posterior distribution of estimated parameters, as applied to new tasks of processing of image sequences. Optimum frequency algorithms of serial processing of images are proposed, which are using two-dimensional Fourier transformation for obtaining of parametric models of observed situation. In the network of common adaptive approach to a problem following algorithms are developed:
filtration of variable background and moving objects extraction in images,
compensation of random shifts and improvement of image resolution,
compensation phase distortions of images and reconstruction of undistorted images of objects, observed through turbulence atmosphere.
In article united theoretical foundations of these algorithms are considered, as well as differences, caused by particularities of observation conditions. Results of testing of developed algorithms are presented, which illustrate there efficiency.
Pages: 27-36
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