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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The group radar object resolution method stability
resolution capability
condition number
linear operator matrix
singular decomposition
S.A. Klimov
The method of permission of a mix of not orthogonal signals and noise in active radar-tracking systems is offered. The problem of permission is considered as a problem of the decision known in mathematics and physics, a so-called return task or a problem of restoration on an entrance of the radar-tracking system of unknown function which the operator of transformation influences, being based thus on results of supervision of function at the system exit. In an offered method of permission stability of the decision is provided at the expense of an exception of space of solutions of those directions in which the relation of a signal to noise doesn\'t exceed some threshold value because of small values of the corresponding singular numbers of a matrix of the operator of transformation of system, and also lack of components of an echo signal of object in the specified directions. It is formulated a number of the principles put in the developed method of permission. Practical realization of an offered method includes two stages. First stage preliminary. It is realized at design of RLS and formation of its software. The second stage (actually permissions of signals) is realized directly during RLS functioning. The essence of each of stages is considered. Analytical estimates of stability of a method are received. Results of imitating mathematical modeling of the method, confirming its efficiency are presented.
Pages: 28-37
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