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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Determination of the number of radiation sources in multichannel measuring instrument of angular coordinates
V.V. Abramenkov, O.V. Vasilchenko, F.L. Savitsky
This paper presents the comparative analysis of three groups of counting the emission source number within the pulse volume of angular coordinate measurement system. The simultaneous signal number and parameter estimation is considered, based on various versions of the maximum-likelihood method and least squares method. This paper also is concerned with the separate estimation of signal number and parameters based on correlation data matrix estimation and compensation method. It is shown how the exact knowing the beam pattern form and its non-identity form has effect on method validity. It is established, that simultaneous signal number and parameter estimation methods are applicable to multichannel measurement system with free configuration of antenna array and arbitrary beam pattern parameters. However it requires knowing the beam pattern form exactly. Otherwise the effectiveness of these methods reduces. The separate signal number and parameter estimation methods are applicable only to linear equidistant antenna arrays. The full identity of beam pattern is required, otherwise the method doesn-t work. Compensation methods are applicable to any multichannel measurement system with arbitrary beam pattern parameters.
Pages: 15-22
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