350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Formation of informative messages error database server Oracle Database using database metadata
V.N. Likhachev - Associate professor, Chair "Informatics and information technologies", Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovskii, software engineer, Scientific-research enterprise - Kaluga instrument-building plant "Taifun" (JSC "Taifun")
In the development of software working with relational databases, not only the database error message processing is important, but also the formation of error messages that are clear and easy for the end user to understand. Unfortunately, this aspect has not been given much attention, although the formation of database error messages often requires an extensive scope of work. The article deals with the formation of informative messages to the end user error database server Oracle Database, which occur in violation of the restrictions of the database. The article offers the method of informative error message formation for the Oracle Database based on the analysis of the database structure, usage of table and field user names. The error text from the Oracle Database is used to determine the restriction of the database that was the cause of the error. Based on the analysis of the database structure, the detailed information about this restriction can be obtained. Since the user may not know anything about the structure of the database, the error message with the user name of tables and fields that are used in applications that work with the database is given. Formation of the error messages foreign keys is performed not only on the basis of the analysis of the database structure, but also on the basis of the analysis of the logical relationships between tables. This allows us to more accurately reflect the cause of the error. This approach allows to decrease considerably the scope of work involved in developing applications working with databases, to improve the structure of such applications, and to simplify the support of such applications.
Pages: 46-51

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  2. Oracle Database 11g Documentation. URL: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/documentation/index.html/ (date of access 03/06/2013).
  3. Likhachev V. N. Obshchii metod formirovaniya soobshchenii ob oshibkakh pri rabote s bazami dannykh I ego ispolzovanie dlya BD Firebird // RSDN Magazine. 2008. No. 4. URL: http://rsdn.ru/article/db/FBErrors.xml/ (date of access 03/06/2013).