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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Aberrations in femtosecond pulse reflection on Langmuir waves
L.A. Makarevich, A.V. Panchenko, A.V. Pereverzeva, F.F. Kamenets
The problem of intensity increase of laser radiation is actually for today. Modern femtosecond laser systems reached the level of 1015 W that allows to receive intensity up to 1022 W/cm2. The further power increase at the expense of reduction of impulse duration is impossible, because femtosecond impulse duration has an order of the several periods of oscillations of an electromagnetic field. One of perspective methods of intensity increase is femtosecond pulse reflection from a relativistic parabolic mirror with corresponding reduction of wave length and focusing into the striped focal spot. Formation of peaks of electrons distribution in laser wakefield which have the parabolic form is theoretically considered in the article. This wakefield acts like relativistic mirror for an impact electromagnetic impulse. The types of aberrations connected with the parabolic form of mirror and the fact the falling impulse has finite length are analyzed quantity. Dependence of reflection angle on parameters of a mirror and falling impulse is theoretically calculated. As the theoretical analysis and calculation of dependence of reflected impulse size and duration on process parameters is carried out. Using the calculated dependences of reflected pulse width, duration and direction, the postreflection pulse waveform is defined. On the basis of the studied behavior of reflected impulse wave front estimated condition are formulated. At this an estimated condition even at not coaxial falling of an impulse the greatest focusing of an impulse will be reached. The criterion is offered for the maximum reliable deviation angle. It can also be applied in a problem of multimirror reflection. Taking into account parameters of real experiments the calculations were carried out. It is shown that the values received are consistent with the registered in experiment.
Pages: 53-62
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