350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Application of the orbital constellation of small satellites for observation of aerodynamic objects
V.F. Fateev, N.G. Andrianov, V.N. Lagutkin, A.P. Lukyanov, A.M. Starostenko, V.V. Kryzhanovski, V.L. Levshin
Algorithms and software were developed for design and systems analysis of spacecraft networks of various destinations. Software allows to simulate and assess the effectiveness of spacecraft networks, equipped with various electro-optical observation equipment, taking into account the characteristics of the apparatus onboard sensors, spectroscopy and energy characteristics of the observed objects, atmospheric transparency, the background of Earth surface, clouds and other factors. Software provides energy calculations of the object signal, received by sensors in the visible and infrared ranges, and estimation the performance of detection. The problem of creating an effective network of space for the detection of aerodynamic objects. Based on the simulation results a rational structure of the orbital network of spacecraft was developed providing the most advantageous balance between the geometric (size of view area), time (the delay) and energy (signal to noise & background ratio) parameters of optoelectronic devices. The key features of the technical aspect of optical-electronic devices are determined and meet the requirements set by the reliability of detection involving the use of photo detector arrays and step-by-step line-frame scanning with compensation of the orbital velocity.
Pages: 26-31
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