350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Mathematical model of optimization of information management systems of intelligent buildings
A.V. Siluyanov
The problem of possibilities of interface of the decentralized principle of construction of systems with the centralized function of monitoring is considered. Topology of network decisions of construction of information managing systems is resulted. The author analyzed the existing information management systems of intelligent buildings. The article presented their classification according to the functional structure and spatial dislocation. The advantages and disadvantages of the various classes of systems and aspects of improving their reliability while optimizing the cost are considered. The author worked out a mathematical model of information management systems of intelligent buildings, with the using of which the problems of optimizing the construction of information systems of intelligent buildings in the «field» level are solved. It is shown expediency of application of various mathematical models depending on a design stage.
Pages: 41-44
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