350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Suppression of the metallic body radio visibility by dielectric coating considering possibility of bistatic sounding
V.F. Apeltsin
2-D problem for diffraction of plane E-polarized E.M. wave from finite metallic smooth obstacle coated by a thin dielectric cover is considered in the frames of high-frequency asymptotic projection approach. A possibility of the scattered field suppression in two chosen directions is examined. It is shown that single layer cover is insufficient for the purpose, because corresponding equation for values of dielectric permeability does not have any solution within such an approximation. It proves the necessity of two-layer cover use in this case. Obvious formulae to calculate dielectric permeability of each layer that provides the desired suppression are obtained.
Pages: 27-35
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