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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Estimation of the required amount of parcels loading automated complexes in the container in parcel sorting automated lines
I.V. Barsuk
Unloading parcels from the separating plant and laying them in a container for shipment to destination is a "bottleneck" of the parcels processing automated line. At present due to lack of automated equipment for parcels laying in containers this operation even in the most modern automated sorting centers, including abroad, is carried out manually. Under these conditions, performance of a sorting plant exceeds capacity of loading site of parcels in a container, which leads to delay of primary screening equipment, thus reducing its effectiveness.
In a development of parcels loading automated complex, increasing the productivity of this operation, the actual article is a estimation of the necessary number of systems in an automated processing line of parcels and the performance of the lint as a whole.
In this paper a method of determining the necessary number of automated systems of parcels loading into containers, which allows for specific conditions of postal communications site (daily load volume, the number of lines in the sorting facility, the average number of shipments of vehicles) not only to calculate the required number of complexes, but also to choose the values of performance sorting plant (capacity, number of drives). Also an example of calculation the necessary number of complexes and performance of line is completed.
Pages: 64-67
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