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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The synergetic valuations of multimedia systems perception quality
S.S. Zwezhinskii, A.G. Simonjan, A.A. Teniakshev
For multimedia systems audiovisual quality prediction we need to create a rate that considers audio and video components playback quality.
During the multimedia systems combined quality estimation, we cannot show it as a simple combination of components, because it does not give us an adequate to real conditions perception quality.
The 3G mobile systems, that support audio and video stream services had become real though its perception quality is limited because of low transfer rate. For optimal audio and video codec parameters choosing it is important to consider the proper quality requirements based on human perception.
We examined the stream video quality estimation audiovisual model that considers audio and video components of multimedia files; we gave the mutual compensation of audio and video quality definition; we showed the synergetic valuations of multimedia systems perception quality.
So we had given the correlations for subjective quality estimation to predict the clips audiovisual quality based on its impartial descriptions that allow to make multimedia systems perception quality synergetic valuations.
Pages: 27-31
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