350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Increase of capacity of fiber-optical systems of information transfer by means of isotopic superlattices
L.M. Zhuravlyova, A.A. Zmeeva, A.S. Kruchinin, A.V. Novozhilov
In article topical issues of increase of capacity and spectral efficiency of fiber-optical systems of information transfer (VOSP) are considered. The factors influencing capacity of optical fiber and possibility of increase by means of improvement of lasers, photodetectors and optical modulators in detail understand. As the solution of a problem of improvement of the VOSP element base creation of new semi-conductor materials is noted. The most perspective direction are the nanostructures received on the basis of model of a superlattice. Difficulties of creation of qualitative superlattices and a way of overcoming of these difficulties with the help of isotopic nanoengineering and a nuclear nanotechnology are noted. The possible prize on capacity of VOSP constructed with use of a new mikcropatterned material as a result pays off.
Pages: 60-66
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