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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Mesh structures for polarizing electromagnetic waves in THZ frequency range
S.A. Alaverdyan, S.I. Bokov, N.A. Zai-cev, V.M. Isaev, I.N. Kabanov, A.P. Krenitskiy, V.P. Meschanov
Intensive development of a technique of super-high, extremely-high and terahertz frequencies is connected with a progress in the field of creation as an element base fore the above frequency ranges, and instrumentation on this basis. However, processes of implementation and production of the components for these frequency ranges frequently remains complicated and labor-consuming. As the result, the costs of these components are extremely high (for example, mesh polarizer of Microtech Instruments Co., USA). In this connection, it is formulated a problem on the development and introduction of a technology that allows one not only to manufacture a quasi-optical components with desired performances, but to produce them commercially with relatively reasonable price. Furthermore, the developed technology must provide the creation of other quasi-optical and wave-guide components, such as directional couplers, band pass filters, high-pass and low-pass filters, and others. In the result of carried out investigations, the necessary technology was developed, and samples of mesh polarizers and plates with coupling holes intended for directional couplers were manufactured. Typical values of the transmission level of mesh polarizer in parallel and perpendicular directions about the polarization plane of the electrical field strength vector of terahertz radiation constitute 35-43 dB and 0.2-0.6 dB respectively. The mesh wire width is equal to 18 m at the mesh pitch of 50-110 m. The plates with the coupling holes of 0.212 mm and 0.369 mm for the wave guide directional coupler of the section 1.10.55 mm were manufactured and investigated. Thus, the quasi-optical mesh polarizers, and the plates of wave-guide directional couplers with micro-miniature holes for the coupling region between the wave-guide channels are developed and investigated. The ways of realizing mesh polarizers and plates for directional couplers on thin-film metallic slides is based on the technology of chemical-dynamic (aerosol) etching.
Pages: 47-50
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