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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Determination of the longitudinal profile of the working chamber conveyor microwave waveguide-type devices that provide uniform heating of the dielectric material
V.A. Kolomejcev, A.E. Semenov, D.N. Nikuiko, A.F. Hamidyllin
In this paper we propose a method for calculating the longitudinal profile of the working, microwave heating system conveying cross-type chamber (WC), providing an even distribution of heat sources per unit length of the WC ( ), which improves the output characteristics of the material and to increase plant productivity. The above technique is based on a comprehensive study of its own electrodynamic parameters of waveguide structures, partially filled with dielectric material, absorbing microwave power, underlying the WC. It is shown that for the manufacturing WC of units cross-type, in which the heated sheet material is moved perpendicular to the direction of the dominant waves, it is advisable to use the waveguides of complex cross-sections (WCC), which have a distinct capacitive gap (П and Н waveguides, rectangular waveguide with a T-edge, etc.), in which the electric field is uniform, which is a necessary condition for the achievement . In addition, WCC have a high broadband, which allows to carry out continuous cross-type uniform heat treatment of materials in the microwave heating installations, electrical and thermal parameters are changed during the heating process, which significantly extends the application of microwave energy in the industrial sector. The proposed method of calculation of the longitudinal profile of the working chamber and using WCC as the basis of the WC, make it possible to create a new class of cross-type conveyor systems, ensuring and uniform heating of a wide class of a plate, thin-film materials and liquids.
Pages: 40-46
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