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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
To the calculations of electrostatic disturbances penetration from troposphere into ionosphere
hazardous atmospheric phenomena
electrostatic disturbances
penetration into ionosphere
L.Kh. Ingel
The contradictory results, published recently and relevant to the calculation of electrostatic disturbances penetration from troposphere into ionosphere, are under consideration. The new analytical calculations for certain simplest geometries of disturbances and models of atmosphere conductivity are presented. The classes of analytical solutions for electrostatic field profiles, applicable easily for validation, have been derived. It has been shown that one class of solutions derived has very wide range of applicability. Based on these solutions, there are made the numerical estimations, which distinguish noticeably from that presented in a previous series of publications, and look as more reliable. The findings allow establishing certain new laws for damping of disturbances with a height growth and point to certain mistakes and inaccuracies occurring in the literature. As part of the results is derived in more general analytical form, according to accurate definition of data on atmosphere conductivity profiles, these calculations also can be defined more exactly in the future.
Pages: 4-10
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